How to Make a Piston in Minecraft (Piston Recipe)

Piston Recipe

A Minecraft piston helps you push moveable blocks when activated with Redstone signals, therefore, it’s essential to have it in your inventory. Also, you can get a dragon egg using a piston, so having it is even more important. But how to make a piston in Minecraft?

To make a piston, you need to place three wood planks in the first row, one cobblestone in the first grid of the second row, one iron ingot in the second grid of the same row, and one cobblestone in the third grid of this row. Place one Redstone in the second grid of the third row, and fill the empty grids with cobblestones. 

This recipe will help you get a piston, and you can quickly move it into the inventory. In this article, you’ll get each and every detail about making a piston in Minecraft. 

Also, I’ll tell you more about using a piston and how to gather materials to craft it.

How to Make a Piston in Minecraft: Everything Explained

How to Make a Piston in Minecraft

I’ve made a piston in Minecraft numerous times and know almost everything about it. This section covers a detailed recipe, required materials, and the supported platforms you can craft a piston.

Supported Platforms to Make Piston in Minecraft 

Minecraft only supports crafting a piston for the following platforms as of now. I’ll make sure to update this table as Minecraft rolls out any updates and changes the list of supported platforms.

Edition Platform Supported VersionAvailable 
Bedrock Edition Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, Windows 10 PC, Xbox One, Fire OS 0.15.0Yes
PlayStation EducationPS4 and PS3Yes
Java EditionLinux, Windows, and Mac PC0.15.0Yes
Education EditionWindows 10 PC, Mac, and iOS 12 or later Yes
Pocket Edition Android, iOS 0.15.0Yes

Disclaimer: The information in this table belongs to the current date this article was published. You can visit the official website of Minecraft for more information about the supported versions.

Materials Required to Make a Piston in Minecraft

You need the following ingredients to make a piston in Minecraft. Also, you’ll get information about crafting each of these ingredients.

Materials Required to Make a Piston in Minecraft

You need:

  • 1 x iron ingot 
  • 1 x Redstone dust 
  • 3 x wood plants (any type)
  • 4 x Cobblestones

Now I’ll explain how you can craft these ingredients and then use them to make a piston. If you already have these ingredients in your Minecraft inventory, you can skip this section and hop on the steps to make a piston. 

How to Craft Iron Ingot in Minecraft?

To make an iron ingot in Minecraft, you’ll need nine iron nuggets. Below I’ve attached an image of how the crafting menu should look:

Craft Iron Ingot in Minecraft

After adding nine iron nuggets to the crafting menu, you get one iron ingot. Move the iron ingot to your inventory and use it for making a piston. 

💡 Tip: If you don’t have enough iron nuggets, you can place one iron block in the first grid of the first row or crafting menu. It’ll give you nine iron ingots.

How to Craft a Redstone in Minecraft?

Making Redstone Dust in Minecraft is easy, and you can do it using a Redstone Block. Place the Redstone Block in the first grid of the first row, and you’ll get nine Redstone Dust. 

Players that don’t want to use their Redstone Block can smelt Redstone Dust. Check out the image attached below and use your Minecraft furnace for smelting Redstone Dust.

Craft a Redstone in Minecraft

You can now move the Redstone dust to your Minecraft inventory. 

How to Craft Wood Planks in Minecraft?

Here I’ve explained the steps to make oak planks in Minecraft. If you already have any other type of wood planks, you can skip this step. You’ll need one oak log to make four wood planks for the piston. 

Craft Wood Planks in Minecraft

Place the oak log in the first grid of the first row, and collect four planks. Move these planks to the Minecraft inventory, and you are all set to make a piston.

Steps to Make a Piston in Minecraft: A Detailed Recipe

This section covers a detailed recipe to craft a piston in Minecraft. I’ve explained the details in steps and have attached images for a quick demonstration.

Step 1: Open the Crafting Menu 

Begin with opening the crafting menu in Minecraft. For Java Edition, press E, for Pocket Edition, tap the tripped dotted button on the right of the hot bar, and for Nintendo Switch, press the Y button to open the crafting table.

The crafting table has nine grids and looks exactly like the image:

Crafting Menu 

Step 2: Add Ingredients to the Crafting Table 

The second step requires you to add ingredients to the crafting table in order to make a piston in Minecraft. In the first row, place three wood planks in all grids. In the second row, place one cobblestone in the first and third grid, and add one iron ingot in the second grid. 

Now add two cobblestones in the first and third grid of the third row. Also, add one Redstone Dust in the second grid of the third row. Your crafting menu should look like this:

Making Piston in Minecraft

You’ll get a piston that can be used to move blocks and release Redstone signals.  

Step 3: Move the Piston to the Inventory 

Move the Piston to the Inventory 

As you have crafted a piston successfully, you can move it to the inventory. Also, you can Make a Ladder In Minecraft, by following step by step.

Video Guide

Minecraft: How to Make Piston

Minecraft Piston Commands You Should Know

If you don’t want to follow the recipe and need a piston right away, you can use a few commands. This section covers some commands and the supported platforms. 

Pocket Edition/give @p piston 1 0
Nintendo Switch/give @p piston 1 0
Education Edition/give @p piston 1 0
Java Edition/give @p piston 1
Windows 10 Edition/give @p piston 1 0
Xbox One/give @p piston 1 0

To run a command for making a Piston, you need to open your chat window. Enter the command as it is, depending on the version you are playing. 

How to Use a Piston in Minecraft: 4 Best Uses Every Player Should Know

Usage of Piston in Minecraft

Pistons are a useful Redstone block every player can use in Minecraft. Players can use these pistons to create plenty of Redstone contraptions, including hidden doors, hidden stairs, and draw bridges. 

Making these items can take your gameplay to another level. Below I’ve listed five piston contraptions every player should know and how to use a piston.

Variable Enchanting Table 

Minecraft players can use an observer, pistons, various Redstone parts, and a lectern to craft an enchanting table. This table allows quick access to different levels of enhancements, and therefore, players are no more required to break their bookshelves.

Hidden Doors 

Piston Hidden Doors 

Hidden doors are a common Minecraft contraption you will need a piston for. You should have multiple pistons in your Minecraft inventory to access the hidden doors.

Hidden Floor Trap 

Minecraft players can use the hidden floor trap to prank their friends by having them fall into it. Watch this video on how to use a hidden trap floor using a piston. 

For Making Hidden Stairs 

There are numerous ways to make hidden stairs when playing Minecraft. You can also make stairs using a few sticky pistons, several Redstone parts, and some stairs. Players can also use similar types of blocks to cover the stairs.


Q: How do you make sticky pistons?

A: The recipe for making a sticky piston is similar to the recipe for making a simple piston. You can use four cobblestones, one Redstone Dust, one iron ingot, and three wood planks to make a piston. Watch this video to get a quick demonstration of making a piston in Minecraft. 

Q: What can pistons not push?

A: A sticky piston leaves a block behind it; in case it cannot pull it. Also, pistons can’t push blocks beyond the top of the map and into the void.

Q: Can pistons move obsidian?

A: You need a lava piston and sticky piston to move obsidian. 

Q: Do sticky pistons hold sand?

A: No, sticky pistons do not protect sand and do not hold it as well against concrete powder and gravel against gravity. The stickiness only affects the retraction of the piston.

Final Thoughts 

With this how to make a piston in Minecraft recipe, you can easily make many pistons and use them to make blocks. Also, the article covers more about how to use pistons. I have even listed a few commands you can use to make pistons without following the recipe.

Stay tuned with us to know more about interesting Minecraft recipes and tips to improve your gameplay.